sounds  like  tree

I’ve been riveted by Bad Unkl Sista’s butoh-inspired performances for several years, and was honored to be invited to contribute a remix to their latest release, “Reincarnations.”  My offering, “And Every Breath Between,” draws source material from most of the tracks of the original record, “First Breath – Last Breath,” so it is more of a remix of the entire record than a single track.  I have intense memories of their performances, and I accessed these experiences when composing this piece.  I tried to find my way into the portals of the present they opened.  Reaching into the past for memories of present intensity for the sake of creating music intended for future, present moments…  A strange and contorted pose with regards to time, perhaps… but it finds resonance in Bad Unkl Sista’s time-warping, quivering spacial physicalities.

Having also had the pleasure of mastering “Reincarnations” I have become intimately familiar with the other 14 contributions to the record (from as many producers), and I feel that most of the other tracks also strive intensely as I did to somehow capture the essence of the energy of this fantastic ensemble and translate it through their own lenses.  Of course, such energy cannot be captured, but all this striving to do so has yielded a record of which I’m very proud to be a part.

© 2012 Eric Oberthaler